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Club Rules

Personal Cleanliness

A high standard of personal cleanliness is expected when training. Apart from the obvious reason of hygiene, unwashed bodies can be offensive to a partner when working in close proximity activities. There is also the added hazard of germs affecting broken or grazed skin.

Finger and Toe Nails

Finger and toe nails should be kept short and clean. Not only can long finger and toe nails be a hazard to a partner or opponent, they can be very dangerous for the person possessing them. A sudden action could tear back a nail or worse tear it off. The reason nails should be kept clean is again because of germs affecting broken or scratched skin.


Long hair should be tied back securely to prevent accidents.


Jewellery of any kind .on any part of the body or in the hair must not be worn. When training .Even smooth wedding rings covered in tape can be dangerous and cause broken fingers. Criteria: - All jewellery must be taped or removed.


There should be no shrieking or shouting when training and no talking during instruction .If an accident should happen in a noisy hall the instructor’s instruction may not be heard.


A responsible student will never take advantage of a lesser grade or lighter younger or older person. He or she will help assist and treat such people as he or she would expect to be treated by those superior to him or her. Please note; any move learnt within the club should only be used in self defence.

Dress Code

Gi / Tracksuit / Joggers / T shirt.

Bare feet /Clean Trainers/ {No jeans or clothing or clothing with zips, buckles or chains.

Entering and leaving the training hall

Enter the hall sensibly. No student should leave the hall without an instructors permission.

Juniors will wait to be collected by a parent or guardian.


All students must pay on arrival at the hall before changing and joining the line up.

All students must apply for a licence after the 1st week of training.

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